"Future" was the dress code for our Christmas party. I did not want to invest much into some cosmic outfit, so I decided to get through with some sequins and crystals. Nevertheless my inner headturner was not satisfied and was still searching for some eye-catching accessory...
Until this crazy idea of utilizing my small led lamp hit me! It was in the middle of the working day, so the toughest part was to deal with the excitment till the time I could finally get home! First, I wanted to make some kind of a sparkling galaxy helmet but then.. I just put the lamp on my head and combed a ponytail around it!!!
This was a great night and huge success... I gained lots of attention and actually won the best costume contest! :)
As per lessons learned, I got one thing straight: the bandeau tops look good "flat"!
Wearing silicone pads made it look much worse than wearing nothing HERE ;) |
Lesson Nr. 2 is a more philosophical one: don't regret not doing something timely, as you never know how you are going to benefit from it. I mean I had been intending to cut my hair short a week earlier, but I could not manage it on time... :) |
Photos provided by the company
Haha, very creative! Keep going, I've missed u so much here ;)