Cornflower blue
In this cold and dark weather I cherish my bright summer memories... in the royal blue hue!
This fairytale started with those hot Vagabond shoes - definetly THE purchase of the season!
It was about time to redeem my giftcard received for last birthday (a week before my next birthday) - so I started strolling Elkor department store desperately searching for something that would feel like a nice present to myself...
That's how I came across these trendy sandals in two tone blue suede of different textures.
I was a bit doubtful whether these won't visually "shorten" the leg beacuse of the strap... But luckily my mom was there for me and totally approved the choice!
The funny thing: I tried on all the pairs in my size just to find the most matchy pattern granularity - that's a perfectionist existance, dude... The shop assistant wouldn't even notice any difference ;)
These closed toe sandals, evoking eastern boidoir fantasies, deserved to become a central piece of any outfit... And yet despite their self-sufficiency, I believed they needed some slight "support" - so I started looking for a bright blue bracelet...
After walking miles of shopping malls I got so desperate I took a "shoefie", posted it on Facebook and asked the folks to help my new shoes find a friend in same rich color (preferrably with the tassel).
That's how I ended up ordering this totally customized accessory from Nela Strenge. My first tailor-made thing ever and I really enjoyed both the service and the outcome!
And in the meantime a friend of mine texted she had a cute crossbody bag in the very same color that she would happily give away... to me ;)
So they lived happily ever after... among the fields of cornflowers... All three of them: the shoes, the bag and the bracelet... Disregarding the "mauvaise ton" of matchy accessories... Because it just felt good that way! :)
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